
Obtain data for tutorial via DICOM transfer

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on May 24, 2007 at 12:15:37 pm

Obtain data for tutorial via DICOM transfer

(1) Make a directory for your tutorial. Perhaps make it in your home directory, e.g.


mkdir /export/home/myHomeDir/tutorial


In this tutorial, I'll use subject #39540's Implicit Reading 1 data. If you like, you can try some other subject's Implicit Reading 1 data.


(2) Bring up MEDx, open up a New Folder, then select Image --> DICOM --> Query/Retrieve...


(3) For "Patient Last Name", type in




(4) Click on the Query button. Two entries for 2005-08-09 will appear in the white panel, corresponding to two DICOM Studies.


(5) Double-click on the first entry (Study ID 1) to see the Series within this Study. This will pop up the Series tab, and a list of Series.


(6) Find the entry with Description ep2d Implicit Reading 1, using the scrollbar if necessary. Single-click on this entry; it will become highlighted in blue. Then click on the Retrieve button. A dialog box will appear, asking you whether you really want to proceed; click on the Yes button. MEDx's Busy button will turn red, indicating that MEDx is busy. After about a minute, the MEDx folder should contain 89 images.


(7) The first five scans are "dummy scans" which we'll exclude from the analysis. Select Page --> Page Manager.... This will pop up the Page Manager dialog box. Grab and drag the corners and/or edges of this window to widen it.


(8) In the Page Manager dialog box, you'll see a list of all of the pages in the current MEDx folder. In particular, you'll see a bunch of them with the phrase "Instance Number: 1", "Instance Number: 2", etc.




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